I'm a Protestant, but during these evil times of moral inversion I can't help but find a fresh appreciation for the Prayer of Michael the Archangel. May God send his angels to protect all of us in this present darkness.

  Klayton is an extraordinary musician whose Circle of Dust industrial metal project melted my adolescent mind back in the '90s. He produces a lot of what I'd describe as EDM, but it's good EDM. It's what the robots will be listening to when they launch their attack on humanity.

  Field Gulls, the only Seattle Seahawks fan site worth mentioning. It can be weirdly political at times, and the writers sneer at virtually any opinion that's popular among the broader body of Seahawks fandom. But the site is still a fantastic repository of Seahawks news and intelligent football analysis.

  Dark Lyrics - when your soul's hunger can be sated only by bad poetry written by European metalheads who speak English as a second language, this is the place to feast. Henry Rollins (a purveyor of dark shite if there ever was one) released a spoken-word piece many years ago in which he described how much fun it can be to be depressed. Never do you see more clearly than when you've been hurt, because now you know. And that's when you luxuriate in these lyrics.

  The homepage of Mark Edmundson. Edmundson possesses what seems, at least to my relatively undeveloped mind, to be extraordinary range. He writes profoundly about football and swearing and the meaning of life. If I lived in Virginia, I'd find a way to audit his classes. Edmundson makes me wish I'd majored in literature.

  Something Awful's GRRM discussion thread. At some point, every D&D nerd discovers George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice And Fire. Said nerd races through the incredible first book in the series and then plows through the others with increasing incredulousness at how badly the GRRM writing train has derailed. Eventually every nerd's love of this series turns to bitterness and hate as they realize that even if more books ever do come out, there's little hope that the myriad plot threads can be satisfactorily resolved. And that's when they turn to The Bad Thread at Something Awful.